
Anxious girl holding books. Caption: Back to School Anxiety

Back to School Anxiety

Going back to school can be a challenging time for youth and at times can result in moodiness and anxiety. The pressure is now greater than ever for kids to perform at higher levels, which can lead to school-related anxiety and fear. The transition can test...

signs of depression in teenage girls

Depression Among Teen Girls on the Rise

A recent CDC study revealed alarming statistics about the mental health of teenage girls. Nearly three in five expressed feeling persistently sad or hopeless in 2021 -- a nearly 60 percent increase from 2011. An estimated one in three seriously considered attempting suicide, up early 60%...

August Blog Header

Back to School!

As the summer winds down, children and youth across the nation are returning to in-person learning for this school year. While the back-to-school season can bring a few jitters for most children, some experience increased anxiety and other mental health challenges.  Children and youth may...

Happy World Introvert Day!

Happy World Introvert Day!   Happy belated World Introvert Day, which was celebrated earlier this week on January 2nd! Introverts and extroverts alike are recovering from holiday festivities. World Introvert Day was created to bring awareness to introvert personalities living in an extroverted world. An introvert is...

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